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Newsletter #1 - Introduction

Team Australia Management

21st Maccabiah Games - Team Australia


During our athlete information session, we stated that “Covid has and will continue to have a significant impact on all aspects of our preparation for the 21st Maccabiah Games”, and how prophetic these have been.

The challenges that Covid has brought upon us, has set back our trials and team selection, however all other aspects of our preparation continue uninterrupted. Momentum in Australia and internationally is gathering.

Maccabiah is an experience to be shared and on our journey to the opening ceremony, we will be sharing articles of interest, news items and team updates.

Interest and support from the Australian community has exceeded our wildest expectations and we thrilled you have chosen to be part of our” 1Team 1 Dream” family.

We are all extremely confident that the 21st Maccabiah Games will go ahead as planned, and the feedback we are receiving from Maccabi World Union is that this may be the largest games ever.

We wish you all the best in your preparations for your upcoming trials.

Stay safe and healthy

Barry, Sam, Giselle, Lauren and Debbie


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