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NEWSLETTER #2 - Introduction

A belated Shana Tova and Chag Sameach to everyone and although it is the wrong Chag, next year in Jerusalem.

It has been wonderful to see everyone in our Zoom meetings and has certainly made the games feel more real.

During lockdown, we have been working tirelessly on travel, uniforms, documentation, and security.

With the roadmap out of lockdowns, we are now able to plan our trials and uniform try-ons. The excitement is building.

Thank you to all our amazing Team Managers and Coaches for your tireless efforts, helping everyone feel connected and to all our athletes for your enthusiasm for the games.

We have ratified the first athletes to the Team and are thrilled to welcome our Maccabi Man Team and our first two Junior track and field athletes.

A reminder that ratified members will be invoiced in December 2021.

Updated departure date: we will be departing Australia for our Precamp on Wednesday 6 July 2022. Team members that are not on team flights must be at our Precamp hotel on Thursday 7th July @2:00pm.

One Team One Dream

Barry, Sam, Giselle, Lauren and Debbie


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